Mighty Meditation - Flutter Meditation App for Android and iOS platforms with Php Backend

Latest Release (09 Aug 2024)
- Migrate in latest flutter version 3.22
- Mini Player Feature
- Audio Next and Previous Feature
- Push Notification Bug Fixed
- Bug Fixed
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both iOS and Android.
Mighty Meditation is a smart flutter meditation app through which you can create a Calm and Relaxing music streaming app with a PHP backend.
App Features:
- Manage Meditation Session
- Explore categories and sounds of it
- Add to Favourite Funtionality
- Search Funtionality
- Enable/Disable OneSignal Push Notification
- Dark/Light Mode
- AdMob Integration
- Facebook Ads Integration
- Share Funtionality
Admin Panel Features:
- App Configuration
- Ads Configuration
- Manage Categories
- Manage Meditation Session
- Notification Configuration
- Manage Slider
- API Configuration
Testing Credentials
Admin Web Panel
We offer support to our customers Mon-Sat 9:00am-6:00 pm (GMT +5:30) – we are located in India. We reply on all questions within 2 working days.
Send your issues or queries to our support email: [email protected]
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Refund Policy
- We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded)
- Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.