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It might sound quite unbelievable, but as per a research published in the journal Frontiers in Plant Science, researchers found out that the chemical compounds present in dark chocolate, green tea and muscadine grapes can help in fighting against COVID-19 virus. As per the study, researchers claim that such compounds can bind to and block the function of a particular enzyme, or protease commonly known as Mpro in the SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

02/3What the study says

“Proteases are important to the health and viability of cells and viruses. If proteases are inhibited, cells cannot perform many important functions – like replication, for example,” said study author De-Yu Xie from the North Carolina State University in the US. Lab experiments also showed that the chemical compounds in green tea and muscadine grapes were very successful at inhibiting Mpro’s function; as the chemical compounds present in cacao powder and dark chocolate reduced Mpro activity by about half. Muscadine grapes contain these inhibitory chemicals in their skins and seeds. Plants use these compounds to protect themselves, so it is not surprising that plant leaves and skins contain these beneficial compounds.READMORE

03/3Other benefits

Apart from this, these 3 foods are also loaded with numerous other benefits like –

Green Tea: Green tea is a great immunity booster as it has the highest concentration of polyphenols (a type of antioxidants). These antioxidants can also prevent cancer risk by reducing oxidative stress. The chemical compound found in green tea ‘L-theanine’ can strengthen your attention and memory.

Muscadine Grapes: These grapes have ellagic acid and resveratrol present in it, which are known for their anticarcinogenic properties. Not just that, these grapes can also reduce cholesterol levels while improving heart functions. It can also be eaten by those who are hypertensive to control their blood pressure.

Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolates are known for various health benefits. The bioactive compounds present in it can improve the blood flow to the arteries. It can also be eaten for preventing cancer, heart-related

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