Category: Personal

  • Our Best Friends for the Hottest Days

    Our Best Friends for the Hottest Days

    What can we not miss when the hot days come up? Some accessories become our best friends, likewise hats, sunglasses, handbags, preferably light and simple! Inside the handbag everything essential to maintain protection, sunscreen, moisturizing, and lipstick. When necessary, freshen up with plain or flavoured water or natural juice at any cool and airy place […]

  • Five Tips for Buying Shoes Sustainably

    Five Tips for Buying Shoes Sustainably

    All women love shoes, and as a result, there are some environmental concerns about how we dispose of these items after being used. The last thing we want is to know it ended in some landfill or in the ocean. That is the reason why we should be more aware when shopping. Here are 5 […]



    In summer we want fresh and light clothes that let us live the warm days in a comfortable and feminine way.  Whether to take to the beach, to go for a walk, to have dinner or to end the day with a wonderful sunset, there are trends that are repeated and which we never tire […]

  • Blue Jeans to Love Not to Waste

    Blue Jeans to Love Not to Waste

    Who doesn’t have at least a pair of jeans in their closet? One, to say mildly, because on average in the United States, each person will have 7 pairs of jeans, just as an example. Blue jeans have become indispensable, and today they are even used by designers, who incorporate them in their collections in […]

  • Sustainable Fashion And Conscious Consumption

    Sustainable Fashion And Conscious Consumption

    Is widely known the footprint that the fashion industry has left on the planet in recent decades. It is the second most polluting industry we can imagine why. We live in a materialistic society the act of buying is part of our routines, in a mechanized way, we do not think what we buy, nor […]