Our Best Friends for the Hottest Days

Our Best Friends for the Hottest Days

What can we not miss when the hot days come up? Some accessories become our best friends, likewise hats, sunglasses, handbags, preferably light and simple!

Inside the handbag everything essential to maintain protection, sunscreen, moisturizing, and lipstick. When necessary, freshen up with plain or flavoured water or natural juice at any cool and airy place you had found. Suggestions for getting these accessories good for us and the planet more easily? Down, as usual. Have fun!

This summer for making great sustainable choices, just follow the links:

Boiling days? What couldn’t be missing? The sandals, the skirt, or the bucket suitcase?
Made from pineapple leaves, this bag is a must-have this summer!
Amazing sunglasses made from bio-acetate and Burberry logo. Stunning!
This is an eco-vegan sandal. Made from ocean waste. Gorgeous!
Beautiful hat that works as sun protection. One of our hot best friend!
Something cool for summer and the beach!
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