Sustainable Fashion And Conscious Consumption

Sustainable Fashion And Conscious Consumption

Is widely known the footprint that the fashion industry has left on the planet in recent decades. It is the second most polluting industry we can imagine why.

We live in a materialistic society the act of buying is part of our routines, in a mechanized way, we do not think what we buy, nor do we buy what we think. This is one of the problems related to consumption.

Buying what we don’t need is a daily practice, with negative consequences at various levels. We have heard that it is no longer sustainable to keep pace, that the planet is close to collapse, but we are stuck in the problem, and in fact, we need to move in the right direction, to be more aware and sustainable in our choice. Is it easy? Well, today is more than it was a few years ago. But in fashion, we are still a long way from the necessary transformation. Our habits are stuck in a truth, which is actually, a lie.

Because they made us believe that the planet’s resources are unlimited and that it was possible to have a t-shirt for less than €5 and buy a pair of pants for less than €10. It turns out that the necessary resources for us to be able to buy these t-shirts or pants, or any other piece of clothing, are limited, I mean, that they can run out. I know it may sound strange, but these pieces we buy, need the resources of the planet. A t-shirt, for example, needs land space, needs soil, water, even a lot of water and a specific climate. And also cheap human labour, pesticides, chemicals. Transport and packaging, which only this phase, has a tremendous impact, in the production of waste and carbon footprint. And much more.

It would be very positive if our purchases were all made rationally and consciously, but unfortunately, that is not what happens. And for several reasons, one of them is the intended compensation at the time of purchase, without realizing it, we go to the mall as an excuse, to go into a store and buy until we feel complete. Depending on the economic availability, or the compensation, so is the size of the “nonsense”.

Impulse buying, which can be consumer-related, usually translates into the urge to buy a piece of clothing, shoes or accessories, and to help us relieve our guilt, our brain quickly finds any justification to proceed.

In impulse buying related with external factors, we have the help of fashion brands that, through advertising, often brilliant, activate our sensors, as a magnet, stuck in a desire to buy, suddenly, little or nothing rational.

But regardless of the reasons, if we could buy what is necessary and eliminate the unnecessary, this act alone would already have a tremendous impact, but this time, positive. We must make the purchase consciously, based on the necessity. It is critical to help people understand what they are doing wrong and provide a solution to achieve the changes we need to make.

#buyonliyfnecessary is an example of this, a movement that I founded precisely to alert and raise self-awareness in the buying process.

I base this movement on four pillars that I share, believing that we can include these in our checklist before we start our purchases.

The four pillars of the movement are as follows, and if we do the exercise of answering some of these questions and taking the suggestions into account, we will make better choices.

The first is Awareness, we need to recognize that the problem is not buying, but whether buying is necessary and conscious. Why am I purchasing it? What purpose does it serve? Can I postpone the purchase? Can I replace this purchase? These are questions to ask.

The second is Balance because it is desirable to find a balance in purchasing behaviour, to find the space between the necessary and the unnecessary. What we want to avoid is buying the unnecessary.

In third are Resources, the resources of the planet are not unlimited when purchasing we need to privilege the most sustainable options. Knowing where they came from, who produced them, the materials or ingredients used are essential to know.

And the fourth pillar is the Impact, the decisions we make are our responsibility. All choices create effects the extension of the impact depends on each of us.

We can continue to do the same as always, or we can consume differently. Being passionate about Fashion and Beauty it might seem hard to combine this passion and be a conscious and more sustainable consumer, but it is possible, today I feel much more grateful and in full with my lifestyle. Sharing this with you make me feel so good, hope you can feel the same way.


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